> In a message dated 7/6/00 10:01:18 AM, writes:
> >Dear Kenny,
> >I am sending you this off list. I hope that isn't rude. I have read your
> >posts on Newton for so long that I wanted to come to you directly for this
> >help.
> I thought I was sending this off list. Maybe I was a bit embarrassed to admit
> that I am moving to the Palm...
> Now that it seems to be public I will make it a public plea.
> Can anybody help me with this problem? (see previous post Me too)
Just kidding!
Seriously, since I've never thought about leaving the Newton, I don't know how you could print all meetings/appointments/to do's in one shot... One thing you might try is to switch to
first navigate to the first date where you had a meeting/appointment/to do. Then, switch to overview. Now's the tricky part: if you could have a "Select All" button in the Date app, you
could select all items in the list, then print them. They would be listed on a single page. Even the meeting notes are printed. Like I said, the only tricks is to select all items in
the overview. I've read, I think it was last week, of an extension that provides the "All" selection in all applications that support the overview. You might want to try this...
Laurent Daudelin
Developer, Adaptive Infrastructure, CIS Fannie Mae
Phone: 703-833-4266
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