Hmm. I had the opposite experience - I went from Tex/Latex to Word, and it
handled all the formulas, graphics, footnotes, TOC, indices and
citation/reference sections beautifully. It was several hundred pages of
Too bad they changed the program so much I no longer know how to use all the
nifty functions for long (or chained) documents...
Paul Filmer
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wolfgang Keller []
> At 16:08 Uhr +1200 09.07.2000, Ching Yi Tsai wrote:
> >Many of my mates regrated their decision to write their thesis in MS Word
> >instead of Latex.
> I don't know of anyone who did not regret trying to write any kind of
> complex document in Word, but there's no need to go back to the stone age
> of computing concerning ergonomics. There are word processors out there
> that _work_, like, for example Framemaker.
> Wolfgang Keller
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