Re: NTLK moving PMS stores

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Wed Jul 12 2000 - 17:08:13 CDT

Michael Wittmann wrote:

> Hi, everyone,
> I've begun using Personal Minutes Supervisor and have found it an
> interesting way of documenting how much time I REALLY spend on
> things. Problem is, at various times I've used it while one or the other
> card is set as default store. I then have my times spread out over all
> three stores, which is problematic.
> How can I change this? When tapping on the PMS storage button (under
> extras:storage), I don't get the choice of filing (like in other
> stores). Inside PMS, I can't find anything, either.
> Can anyone help me out on this? Thanks.

I'm afraid the only way to go is by using some utilities. For instance, using SBM Utilities, you can move all entries from a soup on one store to the soup on another store. I've tried
this with my application NewtGrocery. After moving an entry, I've got a -48205 when trying to open NewtGrocery, but then I did another try and it worked just fine. The entry that was
moved from within NewtGrocery to the flash RAM card was now on the internal store.

Laurent Daudelin
Developer, Adaptive Infrastructure, CIS Fannie Mae
Phone: 703-833-4266
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