Re: NTLK Jaggies (was Re: newtontalk V1 #56)

From: Bill Davis (
Date: Sun Jul 16 2000 - 00:35:07 CDT

>From: Andy Reed <>
>Subject: Re: newtontalk V1 #56
>Also, my MP has got the jaggies again. I believe this is the 3rd time in 3-4
>years. I've tried cleaning out under the edges with paper and it still does
>it. Anybody ever come up with a definitive solution for this? Is there
>anybody out there who has never had this happen to a 2000/2100? I have to
>wonder if this is one reason why the Newton was axed - the screens are
>inherently unstable.

I've never had it happen on ANY of my Newtons, including my 2000 and
2100. My Newton screens or HWR have never given me any problems or
jaggies. Never seen in on my OMP/MP100, MP120 or MP130, either. I've
used Newtons since they first came out in 1993.

And it's CERTAINLY not a reason the Newton was axed, since virtually no
Newton users experiences the jaggies. None of my friends locally ever
did, nor have most people on this list, based on the posts I've seen over
the last several years. A handful, yes, but I'd say less than 1%, so
it's almost certainly to be an environmental issue, not a hardware or OS
problem...or perhaps a bad batch of screens or cards slipped in
somewhere. Perhaps you were just being sarcastic....but if you weren't
aware of the reason for the Newton's demise, Steve Jobs cancelled the
Newton project (and other projects) to focus Apple's efforts solely on
the core Mac and MacOS products to pull Apple out of the tailspin that
it's former (ahem) leaders got it into. (It worked, by the way. :-)

 - Bill

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