Re: NTLK NIE on a 120????

From: Brian McEwen (
Date: Sun Jul 16 2000 - 09:27:11 CDT

>On Sun, 16 Jul 2000, Jack Mordoj wrote:
>> What is the best e-mail program?? (Eudora, pocketmail??)
>IMHO, SimpleMail by Simon Bell, although this might be a bit memory-heavy
>for a 120. You might want to visit Simon's page:

        Simplemail 3.3 or 3.0 and MP120 worked fine for SENDING mail only;
I never could find an email client that let me receive reliably, on the
120. To get NIE 1.1 and Simplemail 3.3 workng, you also have to run a
low-heap backdrop (like Avi's Backdrop) so you don't have Notes or Extras
running, and you have to freeze just about everything else on the MP. If
you get it to have 48-55k heap free you should be able to connect and send
at least.

        On an MP120, for minimum frustration and maximum useability go with
pt100 from Scrawl software, and read/send email from a unix shell.


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