NTLK [Looking for testers] Fork Methods

From: Paul Guyot (pguyot@pnm-consulting.com)
Date: Sun Jul 16 2000 - 12:47:09 CDT

Hi all,

I have found how to make cooperative threads with NewtonScript. The
trouble is that it uses non fixed APIs. I made a small code to make
the software work on all Newtons, but since this is undocumented and
I only was able to test on a US MP2100 and a MP120 US, I wish there
could be testers for other machines.

The goal is that once it has been validated for every ROM, the code
could be used with NPDS to complete the new multiple connection
nHTTPd I designed. (the multiple connection server works nice, but
page processing itself is synchronous). It could be used by other
developers as well.

There are two versions of the test. (my other wish is to complete my
technote, hence the second test).
1/ download and try the Fork sample. (sorry, only in a .sit archive,
but I could upload the package only if you want).
Required skills: basic Newton usage.
Required software: Fork sample:

It will very probably do no damage to your Newton, but one never knows.
If it works or if it doesn't, please report your Newton model, ROM
version and language.

2/ finding the missing vectors in the documentation & helping me to
complete the code to adapt to your machine:
Required skills: ViewFrame or NTK usage
Required software: ViewFrame or NTK

Please look for the embedded native functions in the DoProgress
global function.
(to do so, start inspecting at GetGlobalFn('DoProgress).literals )
I am looking for two functions:
a/ the native function called directly from DoProgress (this should
be the only one in the DoProgress literals). It should take two
b/ the native function called from SetStatus method of an embedded
object in the DoProgress literals. It should take no argument.

Then report:
- Your Newton model, ROM version and language
- the path to those functions (e.g. GetGlobalFn('DoProgress).literals[9])
- the value in the funcPtr slot of each function objects.
- various Gestalt information if the first test failed:
        - the value of Gestalt(0x1000003).ROMVersion
        - the value of Gestalt(0x1000003).ROMStage
        - the value of Gestalt(0x1000003).machineType
        - the value of Gestalt(0x1000003).manufacturer (if not Apple)

The concerned Newtons:
eMate 300
D MP2100
US MP130
D MP130
D MP120/2.0
Any non Apple 2.x device.

Considering that there are 5 models, I think I won't flood NTLK if I
ask that tests are reported here instead of mailing to me? (the
advantage is that you'll know if I already have the data for your

Thanks in advance.



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