Re: NTLK Aloha stuff...

From: Mike Stockman (
Date: Tue Jul 18 2000 - 13:08:04 CDT

On 7/18/00 1:57 PM, ( wrote:

>So I am trying to send to Catamount software my registration fee for Aloha
>2.7 but I understand they are no longer supporting it. Well it still works
>with AOL and I want to continue using it right up until the very end. Can
>someone be so kind as to send me a registration code? I can't even pay for
>what I want nowadays.

It's well within the rights of a copyright holder to determine who can or
can't purchase the product. Hardy Macia made a great product that opened
a whole world of e-mail to Newton users; if he has decided no more
licenses can be sold, it would be undeserved rudeness to violate his
copyright for your own convenience.

Just my opinion (and internation copyright law), of course...


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