I'm new in this talk thing. I recently got myself an eMate 300 and I
just love it. Just one thing In the Netherlands there are a lot of names
with an insertion. Just like mine 'Dirk van Essen'. How can I get an
extra instertion box instead of just filling the names in like this:
'Essen, van'. Because if I do this my newton just ads another little
komma (spelling) and then it looks real stupid: 'Essen, van, Dirk' This
is not good for a card.
By the way. If i just fill in 'van Essen', my eMate will sort it by the
insertion and then it is hard to find a name.
Thanx for tips
P.s. does anyone know where I can get a 16 or 32 MB card for an eMate?
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