>Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2000 00:11:37 -0600
>From: "Chris Bolivar" <chris@optamedia.com>
>Subject: Re: NTLK RE: MP2100 stylus
>I'm not sure whether the stylus is actually aluminum. I tested the stylus
>with a multimeter and it was not conductive at all when in fact aluminum is
>a conductive metal. As I recall, it used to be used in wiring houses in the
>mid '70s until it was outlawed (in Canada at least). To this day it is only
>used in elevators.
> -Chris
Most common metals are very conductive. More than likely, the pen is
coated with a "textured" coating that is non-conductive, giving it the
stippled look.
Mark Ross
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