On 7/24/00 1:05 AM, BondTrails@aol.com [mailto:BondTrails@aol.com] wrote:
>Okay, I have all the pieces but I am not clear on synching...
>I have a newton mp130, NCU 1.0, and Claris Organizer v2.0.2. From what i
>read on the lists so far is that it is possible to sync from a Mac (serial
>port) to a Newton.
Yes. LocalTalk or Ethernet AppleTalk too.
>First question:
>what is synching?
>Does it mean that if i enter info into my Newton at a given time, then I
>enter different info on my computer at another time, when I initiate a sync
>the info from the computer will be loaded to my MP130, and the new info from
>my MP130 will get loaded into Claris Organizer v2.0.2 on my computer?
>or is
>it one way only? (Only new info from the Newton gets loaded to the computer
>or only new info from computer gets loaded to the Newton?)
It can be one way you choose. (You can also choose who "wins" if there
is a dispute, i.e. if something is changed on both places.)
You can also EXPORT from Newton->NCU->CO or PD file which you can then
open (or MERGE) with CO or PD.
>Second question:
>What is involved in synching?
I can't speak for CO, but with PD, you select the "User Data" file inside
your named folder in the Users folder, or some other PD file you've
>When I request to sync from claris organizer a
>dialog box opens up looking for a file. Is this how synching is supposed to
>work? via a file? I thought it means a direct link to the newton.
Yes, via a file. Newton->NCU->Claris Organizer file.
Palm Desktop works the same to a Palm
Palm <->Palm Desktop software<->PD file
>Third question:
>Is synching possible from NCU?
By now you'll have realized that it's ONLY possible from NCU.
>I initiated a connection between my Newton
>and computer via the connection utility on the Newton and NCU 1.0. Then I
>the Sync option on NCU and some stuff happens (dialog box opens, some data
>seems to get prepared for transfer, etc etc) but when all is said and done,
>no new data appears on my Newton or my computer.
Then you didn't pick the right file to sync to. It has to be the one
Palm Desktop or Claris Organizer is using, but PD or CO can't be running
at time time and the Instant Palm Desktop extension (or whatever CO
called it, if it had it) can't be running either (or can't be set to be
using the file you are synching to.)
Check the FAQ on my site for some links, I think there are some.
Also look back through the NewtonTalk archives on www.chuma.org/newton/
...... we've had this discussion MANY times on NewtonTalk and
- Bill
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