on 26-07-2000 10:09, Michael Nerad at neradms@mail.milwaukee.k12.wi.us
> Hello,
> I am a relatively new Newton 2100 user and I would like to upgrade
> the OS to the most current version. I located the file and have
> downloaded it to my Mac. Would someone please explain to me either
> via Newtontalk, or by private email, how I use to update application
> to change my Newton OS? I've tried using NCU, but I am unable to
> transfer the file to my 2100 because it is not a Newton package, but
> some type of OS patch. If I try to launch the OS patch, I get a
> dialogue box searching for the OS to update, but as you know, it
> does not show on my Mac desktop, (like a shared folder, or drive
> would). Please, any help to walk me through this will be greatly
> appreciated!
First you need to go to
http://asu.info.apple.com/swupdates.nsf/artnum/n10655 and get the 717260
system update which comes as a self extracting archive, which means that you
double click it and select to which hard disk it will extract (if you have
only one hard disk it will automatically go there)
Next you run the 717260 to 710031 updater search and find the system update
you just extracted and hit "patch"
When you'll look in the folder on your hard drive afterwards you'll see both
packages and you than you can finally ;-) double click the package and load
it into your Newton.
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