on Tue, 28 Mar 2000, Drew Loker wrote:
> Hello. I have been wondering about these two apps. AvailWorks came with a
> Newton I purchased (I am not even sure which one). I have never really used
> it and have wanted to just delete it, but it seems useful.
You lucky one ;-)
> One thing I do
> like about it is the way it works like PageMaker in the fact that you can
> create text and object elements that can easily be moved around. I also
> really like the fact that you can "Fit to Screen" to see the "Whole Page"
> with out having to go to the Print Preview, etc.
> Then I just read the a post under the NTLK MOD/QFWorks... topic that
> Availworks was for the older Newtons. So this got me back to thinking if I
> should just toss it. I mean really, if I am going to layout a page, I will
> use my laptop that is with me 90% of the time (even if the Newton is with me
> 99%, the laptop is easier!). I do use Works occasionally for working on
> rough drafts of papers, etc.
But, as you say, the laptop is not as long with you as your Newt, right?
> Anyway, I just thought I would see what some of you guys thought about these
> two programs.
Since i have a 2100d, i only experienced the feats and limitations of NewtWorks
in its official (Pater, QuickFigure) and inofficial (Draw, Calculations)
flavors. So far, i've been satisfied (with the exception of the artificially
excluded HWR!!).
But AvailWorks serves a certainly different class of needs: according to its
web documentation, it's most of a DTP application we dreamt of a few years ago
(and not what the DTP vendors made of it in the meantime!).
So if you're the rightful usage license owner: keep it by all means!!
> Do you keep both around?
Only have NW.
> Is there a way to get NewtDraw to
> show a "Fit to Screen" where you can still move things around on the screen?
> Am I missing something about one or the other? Etc.?
Dunno. RTMF, though ;-)
> Thanks for any feed back!
You're welcome.
-- Wolf
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