>on 28-07-2000 12:11, Simon Seiffert at sseiffert@ncable.com.au wrote:
>I am like so sorry.
>There is a problem with Microsoft Outlook, that if i send with normal text, all
>that gets sent is a H. HTML, whereas, is fine! (any ideas?)
If you're on a Mac you can go into Outlook's preferences and change the Mail
Format from HTML into Plain Format, guess that it should be about the same
thing on WinTel
>I am new to the world of Newton (i haven't even got my Newton yet - it's a
>Messagepad 120 2.0 of eBay).
>I was just wondering if there was any way to play MIDI files directly on the
>Newton and/or out the serial port to a MIDI instrument.
AFAIK there's only an extension to the notepad called MIDIX that will let
you transport Midi but not play it.
>ALSO! Is there any way to use an ethernet card with this version of the Newton,
>as I have a cable connection to the internet and would LOVE to use this with my
>Newton MP120.
Sorry, you're out of luck but you'll need an 2.1 Newton (2x00 or eMate) to
be able to use ethernet.
Robert Benschop
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