At 06:16 AM 8/1/00 -0500, Chris Browder wrote:
>My MP2000 is using NIE 1.1 and I installed the Apple Talk and
>LocalTalk/Ethernet modules from NIE 2 and they seem to work (I had 2.0 in
>but it complained about something and wouldn't dial for a PPP connection so
>I reverted to 1.1).... it seems that someone said this will work ok
Interesting. I use NIE 2.0 only and can dial and use Ethernet. Could be
that you either missed a package (e.g. modmsupt.pkg) or there's some
>has anyone else does this?
Do what? Print over a network? All the time (to a Phaser 560). Connect via
Ethernet? ditto.
>Also does anyone know what cards work and where one can attain the drivers
Victor Rehorst's Ethernet page should be able to help you here.
I have both the original Farallon 595 and a newer 3Com 3CXE589ET; the
latter allows you to use whatever 10BaseT patch cable is lying around (the
Farallon uses a custom cable).
>also how do I get NIE 2 running if I need that for an ethernet connection
>to the web?
Install it, taking care to note what packages are required in what sequence
(e.g. Newton Devices before Ethernet support).
-- Ivan T. Shaw, PhD
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