NTLK Button bar enhancements

From: Chris Browne (irie@attglobal.net)
Date: Sun Jun 04 2000 - 02:43:28 CDT

Robert wrote:

> If you find GL hard to work with you can try DashBoard, gives a bit of the
> same functionality though you won't be able to launch as many scripts from
> it.

Actually you can have the best of both worlds. Get Dashboard ($25) and add
Gesture Launch Engine ($10) and get all the scripting power of GL (and use
of the GL scripts written by others) with the best and most functional
button bar replacement of them all.

Use of GL scripting on top of Dashboard is the best of Newton. I find that
scripts to open Names to a letter, for example, mean that Names enhancements
like Power Names and Address Access are unnecessary.

Chris Browne
Auckland, New Zealand

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