NTLK wireless modem questions

From: David Nett (troilus1@yahoo.com)
Date: Mon Jun 05 2000 - 16:01:19 CDT

I've been relegated to "lurker" status for a
while (purely by virtue of my busy schedule), but
I have a question I can't seem to find the answer

I'm looking for wireless internet connectivity
for my upgrade 2100. Specifically, I'm looking
for an all-inclusive wireless card that doesn't
need to be connected to a cellphone. Are there
Newton drivers for such things?

Also, on the cellular modem (which connects to a
cell phone) front (I'm guessing that my deepest
desires above cannot be fufilled)-- has anyone
any idea which modem(s) might work with my Newt
and a Samsung SGH-810 digital/analog hybrid

I appreciate any and all help.


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