Re: NTLK Novatel Merlin Wireless Modem

From: Victor Rehorst (
Date: Tue Jun 13 2000 - 12:26:03 CDT

On Tue, Jun 13 2000 David Nett wrote:

Has anyone had a look at Merlin? I've been
looking for a fully-self-contained wirless
solution for my Newt and I wonder if this isn't
it. It is PCMCIA Type II and, while no Newton
drivers exist (of course), it does appear to work
on WinCE devices, and Novatell supplies a great
deal of documentation and specifications right on
their website.

According to this guy:

it looks like a normal modem. You can probably make it work with Modem Modifier. I'd suggest changing all of the init strings to 'APPP', as that seems to be the command to start communications.

Now, if this card could also use the 2x00's builtin speaker and mic to transform it into a cell phone, I'd drop my money in a second.

Victor Rehorst - Toronto, Ontario, Canada - -
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