Re: NTLK names-like database?

From: Jesse Candy (
Date: Thu Jun 15 2000 - 10:45:15 CDT

>It seems to me someone, somewhere must have developed something like this
>for the purposes of keeping a winecellar inventory, video tape catalog or
>such, which could be adapted to my purposes. Oh, and I'd much rather be able
>to import a text file than reenter all this data (I own enough CDs to hate
>the omen of all that data entery).
>Ideally, it would also have a little tab system at the top, like the
>overview of the Names app has (ie, "ab" "cd" "ef" "gh" etc.). Any

Have you tried CardMEDIA from Sine of the Times? It has several card
types including CD and integrates into the Newton Names app. It's
freeware. I can email it to you if you like.
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