Re: NTLK Newton and the internet

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Tue Jun 20 2000 - 10:54:18 CDT

Jeff Eigenraam wrote:

> This may sound dumb, but I am new to the newton. How do I connect it to the
> internet wirelessly (if even possible). What kind of hardware/software
> would I need. Or can you only hardwire it to the internet via and etherent
> card? Its a MS120.
> Thanks,
> Jeff


You might have a chance to make this set-up work if your MP120 is running the Newton OS 2.0. If it's running version 1.3, then your chances are slim, and you might only be able to do
email. I'm not sure about the modem/cell phone combo, maybe somebody else will be able to suggest something, but as software goes, you need at a minimum the Newton Internet Enabler
version 1.1 set of extensions. Then, I think you could expect to be able to read your email, using a previous version of SimpleMail. You can get more details about how to set it up, or
even how to get email working on a MP120 running NOS 1.3 at <>.

Be warned that the extremely small amount of available memory on the 120 will make the whole process very slow and prone to errors.

Laurent Daudelin
Developer, Adaptive Infrastructure, CIS Fannie Mae
Phone: 703-833-4266
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