Re: NTLK Unhappy palm story

From: Soyan Kyheng (
Date: Tue Jun 20 2000 - 13:59:04 CDT

>Palm (I've got one) has no lithium battery to conserve Data, a Newton yes
>(normally should save data during 5 years).
>When you have a Palm you MUST always synch the data with your PC/Mac.
>A Newton may live alone. As I read somewhere on the Net, the Palm is a
>handheld ORGANIZER, the Newton is a handheld COMPUTER.

Hello, I agree with the Newton superiority.
This is my first e-mail on the newtontalk list since i quit it 16 month ago. Long time Newton 110 user, i switched to the MP2100 and cannot organize my live without it. Very good computer
My wife had the same problem today with her Palm Vx. A crash, data loss and a very long time to boot again. She regrets a lot the Newton.

Sent from the MP2100 of Soyan Kyheng., Paris,
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