Re: NTLK Outlook Express Sync?

From: Bill Davis (
Date: Tue Jun 20 2000 - 23:58:33 CDT

On 6/20/00 7:37 AM, jimthej [] wrote:

>Just thought of something. Outlook Express has a Palm Sync menu item, would
>it be possible to do that and then use the Palm desktop to connect to the
>Newton? What would the steps be to do that. I don't have a Palm, but might
>be willing to acquire one just to sync my Newt.
>Jim Johnston
>Mac Smacker
>Newton User

Should be possible.

You wouldn't need to buy a Palm. Palm Desktop 2.x for Mac (formerly
Claris Organizer) is available free on Palm's web site for anyone to
download. It also comes with most recent MacOS updates (such as 9.x) and
most new Macs.

You CAN sync your Newton with a Palm Desktop file, too, although there
are limitations (mostly caused by the Palm Desktop side). Just make sure
you try synching with a DIFFERENT file than Palm Desktop is currently set
to use (because the Instant Palm Desktop extension keeps it open at all

Also bear in mind that Palms and Palm Desktop are MUCH MORE LIMITED than
your Newton; some of your fields may not sync properly; you'll have to
"dumb down" your data to match the limits of the Palm Desktop and Outlook

 - Bill

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