Re: Re(2): NTLK Answers: eMate recording software

From: Robert Benschop (
Date: Thu Jun 22 2000 - 16:19:33 CDT

on 22-06-2000 3:47, Josh Burker at wrote:

> I've got fifteen eMates stretched out along my office floor right now
> (restoring them to my "master" configuration for a Middle School) and I
> can confirm that they have a headphone jack, and a Newton Interconnect
> port, for which you can build the audio line in adaptor, but
> unfortunately, no mic port :(
> Josh Burker

Actually Josh, sorry but that was meant as a joke, I've been selling eMates
through this list and other places for quite some time now and I thought
everybody on this list knew.
I've got about 30 here at the moment and I also checked the eMate service
manual to be absolutely sure, and we're both right, there isn't a mic port.
I agree with the :(

Robert Benschop

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