From: Andy Wells (
Date: Sat Jun 24 2000 - 00:23:58 CDT

>> And one more
>>thing, we do not consume alcoholic beverages.

>Tim P. must be the only person who drinks over that way =)

>can't hold an aussie back from from a stubbie! or his thongs!

>Melbourne, Australia

I think I'd better clarify that we in Oz call "thongs" other countries call
"flip-flops" and a stubby is a small ( 375ml ) bottle of beer

Other than that we all wear hats with corks swinging fromt he brim, say
"G'day", "she'll be right"
wrestle crocs before breakfast and have a herd of Kangaroos and Koalas
living in our 1/4 acre back yards

Andy Wells
Another Newton Nut

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