Folks, I have searched on the digests I keep of this list, and not found anything specific which can help me. I have a problem with Outlink synchronizing with Outlook. I had purchased it in March and it was working wonderfully, synchronising Outlook 98 running on Win95 on a Toshiba notebook.
THEN: in order to deal with the virii of late, our brilliant network people introducing some filter which effectively stopped me using my notebook to connect to the Exchange server. I have been given a new (IBM) machine, because no one could figure out why I couldn't connect. The point is that I have had to reinstall Outlink on this new machine, now using Outlook 97, and I cannot make Outlink synchronize. I get this error, no matter what options I select for
Run-time error "-214732567 (800200009)':
Type mismatch or the value 06/22/2000 00:00 in the condition is not valid.
The date following "value" changes to whatever date it currently is. I have e-mailed PDADirect with no response; phoning their "new" number reveals it has been temporarily disconnected. Can anyone help?
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