Re: NTLK E6B for newton?

From: Newton Links (
Date: Mon Jun 26 2000 - 12:50:16 CDT

on 6/24/00 10:04 PM, Michael J. Dark at

> I'm just getting interested in learning about aviation, and I was
> wondering if anyone's written an E6B (flight slide rule / calculator)
> program for the Newt yet. It seems like a natural, but I haven't
> found one yet. Thanks!


Search for "aviation" at Newton Links (see link below). There is two
aviation packages, Newton Aviator and FlightPad but there are flight
planning not E6B.

I'll put on my Flight Instructor hat for a moment. If you are thinking about
getting a pilot license, I suggest you work with a real E6B. When you take
the written exam the only items you can bring with you is a pencil, blank
paper, and analog E6B or approved flight planning handheld computer like
FlightStar. In other words, no regular computer/pda are allowed.

If you have any question about flying, feel free to contact me off the list.

Keith Russo

Newton Links

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