Mark Wrote the following on the Names application.
>For instance, if I have 3 folders in names: "Family", "Friends", and
>"Work", sometimes I'd like to view all Friends and Family, but not work...
This is not exactly what you are looking for, but it comes close.
I used the create "new Group" feature of the Names applications to create
groups of people I would like to see together. In the same manner, if you
always find your self needing to see contacts listings of entries in the
family and friends folders simultaneously, you would create a group of the
contents of these folders; you may call this group friends and family. For
easy access to my groups, I specified a special folder for my custom groups.
Needless to say that you will need to manually update the groups as you add
new names and card entries.
Khaled Tewfik,
Saudi Arabia
>From the desktop of a good ol' Macintosh PB 1.4k
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