Andrew Chen wrote:
> I was wondering if there was something that would let the Names
> application be enhanced by a finger/ph/cso server - so I could search
> for "John Smith" in Names, and if he wasn't found, a designated
> finger/ph/cso server would be contacted and he would be searched for
> there, then I would be prompted if I wanted to add him in to my Names
> soup.
> Ideally we'd get them going for something like an on-line yellow
> pages and then never have to look in the phone book and re-enter it
> into our Newtons.
> Coupled with the Company Card enhancement I've suggested, one could
> envision "Find restaurants open now" going first through the Names
> application and then going through the net names enhancement to
> search on the Internet - likewise, the "schedule Wednesday lunch at
> Thai restaurant" would first look in the Names application and then
> go to a place on the Internet for a list of Thai restaurants in the
> current location. Coupled with the TravelDate stationary (which can
> be found on the PlanetNewton download section), it could find a Thai
> restaurant in the location that you WILL be in at Wednesday's lunch
> time.
> Maybe I'm just dreaming, but it sounds like it shouldn't be that
> difficult and I would love something like it.
> Is there anything like this? Does anyone want to write something like
> this? Do I have to become a programmer on the only platform that I've
> only been just a user on in order to have something like this happen?
> Is this even possible to have it integrate with the find/assist/names
> applications like that?
You would have to write an extension that would patch the find routine in
the Names app, I would guess. Yes, you will have to become a programmer,
because, even if it's not as hard as writing a whole application, there
are a couple of gotchas you need to be aware of, and the first step is to
become familiar with NewtonScript.
I have literally my hands full of things to do, so I can't even start
thinking about writing such a thing. BTW, to use Internet services, you
need the Newton Internet Enabler, so that would restrict the potential
users to those that use MP130 or NOS 2.1-based MessagePads.
Laurent Daudelin
Developer, Object Factory, Substrate Fannie Mae
Phone: 703-833-4266
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