You mean that the Newton has the potential of
conforming to an industry standard? You gotta know
that my true agnostic side must see this for myself
for evidence! Not that I don't trust your knowledge,
but Apple's had a very bad habit of creating
"standards" that only Apple adhered to...
I'ld like to get a copy of this application and see if
it works! "for my first trick, I will beam my card
from my Newton to my HP 320CE device"
This must be one heck of some complicated
code...create an IP connection and then it must
redirect all data to the IR device (and we all know
how the Newton chews up batteries when it uses it IR
device) and send the data in a format that is
recognizable to the recipient! Man would I like to see
that...If this works...WOW! I've almost gotten to the
point that when I'm confronted with a group of work
associates with Palm Pilots, I don't want them to know
I've got a Newton! They look and smile egotistically
knowing that I can't participate in any of their
reindeer games...Hah! This will be fun!
Web/cellphone guru with a new purpose!
--- Bill Davis <> wrote:
> On 3/1/2000 6:12 PM, Ed Kummel
> [] wrote:
> >You know, I've done this using a CE device and an
> >Ericsson phone...So, it does work...BUT! I did have
> >problems with certain CE devices that did not
> adhere
> >to the IRDA standards 100%! (Philips Nino had
> >problems) So, I know that the Newton doesn't even
> come
> >close to IRDA compatibility, so I would venture a
> >guess to say that this would not be very
> possible...
> >Ed
> >Web/cellphone guru
> Wrong, oh cellphone guru. ;-) Perhaps you haven't
> heard of BackTalk,
> which improves upon the basic IrDA support in the
> Newton 2.1 units?
> They've already added support for beaming between
> Newtons and Palms
> (something most people thought wouldn't happen), and
> to HP Capshare hand
> scanners, and are reportedly working on talking to
> other devices such as
> phones.
> - Bill
> \\ /, "Ink Different" at Info-Newt, the site
> for Newton PDAs
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> \ Newton FTP Software archive:
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