Re: NTLK What happened?

From: Phil B Rubino (
Date: Sat Mar 04 2000 - 21:18:15 EST

Hey Keith....
         We have never talked to each other...but I subscribe to
Newtontalk...sorrowfully, I am not a Newton Owner yet, but always wanted
a 2000 or 2100...anyway...that's another story. Listen, I just received
about four messages from different Newton subscribers....very, very
strange...somehow, the messages are being scattered to individual
subscribers instead of threaded in one "page"....I have plenty of
computer experience, but not enough to dissect whatever is
happening....but as I deleted about four messages, I decided someone
should know what is happening..
        I've been reading Newton Talk for a few months now...but I've
never seen this happen in the 20 years of my computer experience....any
ideas? Hope they get it straightened out.

Phil Rubino

On Sat, 4 Mar 2000 21:43 -0600 Keith Isley <> writes:
> Okay...maybe someone else has already asked this, but what happened?
> I and at least some of the other folks on the newtonmad cleanup list
> were apparently thrown off the NewtonTalk list...I'm assuming there
> was some kind of mass unsuscribe/outage.
> Anybody want to fill me in? Thanks.
> Keith Isley
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