On Sun, 5 Mar 2000, Bill Davis wrote:
> AOL does not use PPP or SLIP, they use their own, proprietary
> non-standard dial up interface to PPP.
> You'll have to get a real Internet Service provider. There are several
> free ones, as well, that people are using with their Newtons (not me,
> though, so I can't give details on what, where and how -- other members,
> please chime in with details!)
Perhaps? one caveat; the AOL 2.7 uses a non-standard interface; but on
both Mac and Win platforms, the 3.0 (perhaps, don't recall) and 4.0
flavors (for sure, "I've done it") also let you run standard PPP dependant
clients thru the AOL dialup session, on desktops. When I'm visiting my
parents I always use my own telnet client to read email from my unix
account, going thru their AOL dialup session. works fine. ditto with
Netscape, IRC, weather, and ftp.
I've been meaning to email Hardy Macia and ask why we could not just get
thru the login point, get PPP established (or whatever way they fake a
PPP- there has to be a "hook" for the normal clients to work when logged
on with AOL 4.0) and I then use the session to read email OTHER than that
in the AOL-domain. I'd keep a $4.95 AOL account active all year, just to
use it once or twice per month to grab email from other domains with pt100
or Simplemail. AOL has local access #'s almost everywhere.
But then, I'm still wondering about resending Endnote questions to him :)
BTW, it was sure nice to not have to edit a whole digest; I'm almost sorry
I'm going to resub back to digest mode!
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