NTLK MP 2k Stylus - Rotring Quattro pen...

From: Ron LaPedis (RonL@laserphernalia.com)
Date: Mon Mar 06 2000 - 22:54:49 EST

If all else fails, you can use the Rotring Quattro pen. This pen is a
PDA stylus, highlighter, blie BP and pencil all in one sleek black
case. I (ahem) just happen to have them available from my pure-play
internet store at http://realpens.com under the Rotring button. NTLK
'members' get another $5 off the already discounted price. If you're
interested, reply by e-mail and I'll tell you where to send your $$.

Ron LaPedis
OMP, MP150 and MP2K.
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