I'm writing to you about the Newton version of your Home Inspection
software. It appears from your website that you are abandoning your Newton
software in favor of WinCE...understandably.
I belong to the NewtonTalk listserv, sponsored by Planet Newton
(http://www.planetnewton.com). It is a mailing list of approximately 1600
Newton users who self-support the Newton platform as a community effort.
My question is, would you please consider releasing the Newton software as
unsupported freeware, or releasing the source code of the Newton product
(written in NewtonScript, not readily portable to any other device or
language) to the Newton community to support themselves? Many developers
(Adam Tow of Foundation Systems (http://www.atow.com), Burr Oak Software
(http://www.burroak.on.ca/newtonsr.html)), are releasing their software
source to the Newton community as a gesture of goodwill. We would
appreciate your help with this!
Thanks for your time!
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