Re: SV: NTLK Samsung Linux PDA, Yopy

From: David Arnold (
Date: Fri Mar 10 2000 - 00:55:43 EST

-->"Kasper" == Kasper Jeppesen <> writes:

  Kasper> More specifically, I'm starting development of a free, open,
  Kasper> non-hardware dependant PDA achitechture... I will post the
  Kasper> url of the website for it once it's up...

i'd be very interested in this. is there something available yet?

  Kasper> Anyways, we are currently in the early analysis phase, and
  Kasper> would very much like comments about what it is that makes
  Kasper> the newton so special for us... hopefully, we will then be
  Kasper> able to integrate these things in the new design...

IMO, there are two critical things that make the newton so much more a
PDA than a badly shruken desktop:

- the storage architecture, that allows all apps access to the data
  and so they can cooperate rather than duplicate functionality. this
  is tied in with the language's ability to handle patching new views
  into existing apps, but the core is the soup/store system

- the GUI, designed for pen-based use in the hand. there are some
  things that continue to irk me with the GUI (2.0 scrollers, some of
  the event model stuff that means multiple taps to get to the
  previous app), but it's *so* much better than WinCE ...

i think the choice of actual OS is immaterial, but these two things
make the newton special, even at first use. that's not to forget the
routing system, assist, the excellent hwr, ...


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