Walter Remson wrote:
> I was wondering how others that use a ethernet card and the cable that goes
> with card make the connection to their MAC? I do not use HUB and was
> wondering if I need a crossover cable between the cable from the card and
The Farallon EtherWave 895 that I got came with a mini-hub, so that there was
no issue connecting it, if I haven't had already a 10T hub. I also ordered a
cable that has a connector that plugs directly in the card at one end, while
having a standard RJ-45 jack at the other hand. So, since you need the special
connector that plugs in the card, I'm not sure you could find a crossover one.
You could certainly not use this cable to plug it to your computer, so that's
probably why the EtherWave was shipping with this mini-hub.
Laurent Daudelin
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