At 9:01 AM -0800 3/10/2000, Gary Moody spoke thusly:
>A new arcade-type game for the Newton has been released from Japan,
>called Kung Fu 1.0, from Syu.
>Not too many rules, kinda simple, but COOL!
>Get it at
It is cool! Thanks!
I also got Bonsai, which is fun to watch! It's kind of a moving,
growing animation, that takes on some very interesting and lifelike
shapes. (The one I have growing now looks like some kind of a huge
bird with big claws lifted up) There's a control (or something)
button with three settings, but as the instructions are in Japanese,
I don't know what they do, and I haven't had time to try and figure
it out from experimenting.
Does anyone know anything about any of the other pkgs on that page?
Donna Dolezal Zelzer <>
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