Hmmm, I think I must be living in a different
world...Seems that I had no problem running Windows
1.0 to 3.11 ontop of any DOS I chose to implement. I
used MSDOS (I started at 1.6 and stopped after 6.22,
even though MSDOS7.0 is under Windows 95/98, I never
needed it) I used DRDOS (sure, you got the error but
if you ignored it, everything ran smoothly)
Eventually, I edited the "" file and
removed the error and had no further troubles. (There
was also a fix in your sys.ini, but that was only
temporary). I even grabbed an underground DOS Kernel
and wrote my own DOS around it! My EdDOS had two
distinctions. 1-2/3rds the footprint, with a "minimal"
option that left more room on a 5.25 floppy for your
stuff, 2-dynamic error correction. If you typed a
command incorrectly, it would try and determine what
it was you were TRYING to type, and submit a corrected
version for approval before submitting the changed
Now, as for GUIs...Hmmm, before Windows, I used 3
different GUIs. One was called Deskview and one was
called GEM and I can't remember the third...I also
Used a beta of Windows (came bundled with Pagemaker
1.0 back then) and I used them all on my 8088 12mhz
IBM XT clone! No Hard drive, only floppies! I thought
DeskView was the best of the lot, It could use the
entire 640k of ram! GEM could only see two hard drives
(or so it said) and Windows could only see 384kb of
ram, and only had 16 colors! (CGA)
Eventually under Windows 3.1, I played with several
GUIs. In those days, there were MANY GUIs available.
All you had to do was substitute a single line in the
System.ini file and you had a completly different GUI.
I ran a Macintosh OS7.0 look/work alike for awhile,
Also a Unix X-Windows and even tried making a GUI for
my infamous EdDOS...(never got completed
though...Windows 95 came out and that was much better
than anything I could write) Just to let you know,
I've used (and still do) all computing platforms.
Windows, DOS (just wrote a batch file for a co-worker
to maintain a flatfile database using edlin)Mac, Unix
(my desk at work has an NT and a Sun Sparq station on
it. My desk at home has Win98 and some kind of MAC...I
don't know which's actually under the desk
and I don't look at it, I just turn it on when I need
I just find it interesting that the "method" of
computing is switching sides...
web/gadget guru
--- Sunder <> wrote:
> Yeah, except for one thing: under that dogrel you
> couldn't swap either the
> underlying OS (DOS - they purposely caused DRDOS to
> crash) or the GUI.
> With Unix, you can run X under FreeBSD, NetBSD,
> OpenBSD, Linux, or
> the commercial Sys V's. And you can replace the
> desktop/wm with whatever
> you like: Gnome, KDE, CDE, fvwm, twm, etc.
> On Thu, 9 Mar 2000, Ed Kummel wrote:
> > "That's the nice thing about having an OS seperate
> > from the GUI..."
> > Hmmm, Doesn't that sound like the original
> Windows?
> > I find it funny that the OS that seperated the GUI
> > from the OS (windows) is moving to an all-in-one,
> and
> > the os that used to be all-in-one (the Mac) is now
> > moving to seperate the OS and the GUI (OSX, Yellow
> > box, Blue box...two box...<appologies to
> > Seus>)
> > Ed
> > web/gadget guru
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