On 12 Mar 2000, Randy Ransom wrote:
> Sorry, what I was trying to say was that since there is a driver available
> for the D-Link ethernet card, I was hoping that it would also work with
> another D-Link card, an ethernet/modem combo card. This got me wondering if
> there was anything in the specs of a combo card (or ethernet only card for
> that matter) that flagged it as likely to work with an existing driver.
Every PCMCIA card has a unique ID string. *If* the combo card uses the
same ethernet chipset as the DE660, the only change should be to change
the ID code which the driver looks for.
> What caught my eye initally about the D-Link was that several vendors
> listed on shopper.com have the DE660CT (which I assume would have a very
> good chance of working with the DE660 driver) for under $50. I was just
That is the same card that I use. I believe the CT means that it comes
with the 10Base2/10BaseT dongle.
-----Victor Rehorst - victor@eddie.cis.uoguelph.ca | victor@torque.net------
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