NTLK SarTac with a Newton?

From: ken (slave1@cyberway.com.sg)
Date: Mon Mar 13 2000 - 19:55:39 EST

after reading this article:
I'm wondering if one can hook up a Newton to these Startacs.
The chap(incidently called Ed, any relation to our resident Web/Cellphone
guru?? :-) lists the equipment needed as being a Palm serial adapter. I
have one. It hooked into my PB before I discovered I could synch through
IR... The Newton dongle fits just fit into it as well.. I would also need
the Startac cable which I do not have but could buy.
As for the Startac, I could get one cheap, these phones are all over the
place in Singapore..and what with the new Nokia/Ericsson models, the market
is flooded with them!

But would the whole thing work?
I seem to remember someone talking about these phones some time ago..if so,
sorry for bringing it up again!!
But this would be a more affordable alternative for me, so if anyone out
there has done this, please drop me a line.

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