Hi Marco,
I *doubt* that anyone has a waterproof case for diving with the Newton,
since it would have be stressed for atmospheres of pressure. It appears
from looking at the pages that this was a team effort with a number of folks
participanting, but the pages are in japanese (sorry-kanji is *not* one of
my fluencies), so I'm as clueless as anyone else. Reminds me of when a
child has not learned to read yet, and must impute context from the
pictures. :)
----Original Message Follows----
From: Marco Mailand <Marco.Mailand@psi.ch>
Reply-To: newtontalk@planetnewton.com
To: newtontalk@planetnewton.com
Subject: Re: NTLK Check this out - homemade clearcase MP2K
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2000 13:06:26 +0100
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Gary Moody wrote:
> Our japanese brothers are innovating!
> http://member.nifty.ne.jp/masanewton/frozensisaku.html
It looks very amazing. However, the only purpose if this probably hard
work is to see the interior of a cancelled machine, respectively to rise
the coolness factor. However, I doubt that the strength and roughness of
the clearcase is better or comparable with the deep green case. On the
other hand I would prefer to have clear diving case for my MP2k. Would
our japanese bros. also be able to manufacture something like this? Or
asked the other way: How did they do the clearcase? Could the get their
hands on to the original dies from Apple?
--Regards / Viele Gruesse
Marco Mailand
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