On Mon, Mar 13, 2000 6:18 PM, Laurent Daudelin
<mailto:laurent_daudelin@fanniemae.com> wrote:
> Anyone else care to comment?
Not to make the detractors sound like baddies, but I say that if somebody
wants to try, and others want to pay, why not? Personally, anything that
people do to keep the Newton moving forward, and keep it a viable
alternative, the greater the chance that those essential products will keep
being updated and developed. Considering that just recently, there have
been two major developments that deepen the Newton's compatibility with
Palm products (Newtscape and Backtalk) shows that the emulator can't be
that bad of an idea. You nor I may need it (I can't personally see myself
using it) but I can't imagine that somebody wouldn't find it useful, if not
invaluable. :-) Did I make sense? I hope so. :-)
-Jon Glass
Krakow, Poland
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