Michael Strange wrote:
> Hmmm, I have downloaded notes2notes, but have not tried it out yet. I would
> be very willing to pay for a good synchronizing software. Heck, I would
> even like one that syncs to the windows palm desktop (the only remaining
> evidence of my brief palm excursion).
> BTW - anyway to get the notes from a Newton to txt document? I have been
> taking lots of notes, and would like to organize some of them into a word
> document later.
I think you should be able to use the "Export" function in NCU. I just did it.
You click "Export", then you're presented with a choice of the basic
applications on the Newton. Pick "Notepad (text only)". Then, you'll be
presented with a choice of file types, "Delimited Text", "Lotus Organizer 2.1"
or "Sidekick for Windows". You then have a dialog that lets you access advanced
options, do field mapping or select which notes you want to export.
Laurent Daudelin
Developer, Object Factory, Substrate Fannie Mae
Phone: 703-833-4266 mailto:Laurent_Daudelin@fanniemae.com
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