Thanks for all the people who have sent me information both publicly
and privately about how to go about doing this. There IS a link on the
pencomputing site that contains info about moving between Newton
(mp100) and Psion, via a Mac. Since I have a Windows box at work, I
don't have to worry about the Mac platform issue (I just can't
transfer things at home, that's all).
At the moment, things are interesting and going well - and the only
comment I have is that the Psion series 5 is smaller than the Newton
keyboard, which means that it might just turn into my typing platform
of choice (plus, it's got word processing capabilities that I would
have to buy for the Newton). Who knows.
It remains fun to play with discontinued technology (now that Psion
has moved to the 5mx, Revo, and series7). An interesting path, from
Tandy Model 100 3 years ago to Newton mp2k and Psion s5 today.
Bye again.
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