>Glen Swanson (Glen@post5.tele.dk) wrote:
> >are you using any special setting through modem modifier.
>That's the same question I have asked myself ... I've selected the "28,8
>and faster" setting and it works (its's fast enough for e-mail anyway),
>and I never got the time to experiment with modem modifier.
Michael J. Hussmann
took a while to get back to you, but thanks for the feedback on the
Lasat modem. I'm using the same settings but have often been
intrigued by the potential offered through the programme modem
modifier. I figure that there ought to be a way to insure maximum
speed from this device.
For example, someone on another list suggested that by changing the
modem script to include the expression W2 the modem would report
actual connection speed. Don't know if that would help but it
demonstrates the complexity of modem structures.
By the way do use use a modem script for your lasat?
>If you want your modem software (such as FreePPP) to report
>your actual connection speed, you need to add W2 in your modem script.
>For example, I've used the Auto Detect feature and got the 115,200
>reading. Using the simple script 'AT&F1', the same thing happened. The
>Read Me recommended "AT&F1", or "AT&F1W1S95=44", but mentioned that if I
>wanted the connect speed to be reported to use W2 in the string. I now
>use "AT&F1W2S95=44" and get a stable connection and the correct connect
>speed reported.
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