Laurent Daudelin wrote:
> Heiko Cultus wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have searched for this Software on the Net, but couldn't
> > find it. On Lee Moon's Homepage(the author) he mention that
> > he had relaesed the sourecode to the NewtonTalk Developer
> > Group.
> That's true. The only problem we had is when the NewtonTalk mailing list
> went from Sean (Hi Sean!) to PlanetNewton, NTDG lost his website. Marco
> Mailand <> has now the entire Lee Moon's
> source code. You need to contact Marco in order to have any piece.
I contacted Marco, but on the site isn't PMT2.0
Next thing what I did, was to mail Lee Moon.
This is the answer that I get from him:
Hello Heiko!
It's been a long time since I've had an AOL account. The Newton
url is obsolete. I believe that Newton Planet may have PMT 2.0 on their
site, though I'm not sure about that. All of the items on my homepage
transfered to Marco Mailand. You may want to email him (I don't have
email address handy) or ask around on NewtonTalk to see where he's
the other applications. Unfortunately, I'm no longer supporting my
programs and will likely reformat all my development ZIP disks with the
various source programs on them (so I can use the ZIP disks for other
So have anybody on this list PMT2.0? Maybe the person who did the
dancing baby Video?
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