Re: NTLK Synchronizing strategies (was Outlook Sync...)

From: Drew Loker (
Date: Thu Mar 16 2000 - 13:43:47 EST

>>>hmmm, I don't get it! I don't synch. I never synched
>and I never needed to synch. I don't use a PIM on my>

>My view exactly. I never understood why Newton-desktop-synching was so

Oh, I can vouch for why sync. And actually, I desperately need help on this
and was going to post this topic anyway.

I know each of us use our Newton for different reasons. Personally, I am a
financial services representative with Primerica (see my web page: and the fact is that I manage an unusual amount
of clients and leads for clients, plus a lot of other stuff.

For the longest time, I tried to manage calendar, clients and leads on my
Newton. Although it is great out in the field and for working just any old
place since I have my Newton with me nearly 95% of the time, there are just
times to work on my laptop. And now with over 800 clients/leads, the Newton
just isn't up to it.

I used to use File Maker Pro, but I just didn't have time to design
everything I needed, so I switched to Act, with the idea that I would be
able to sync with my Newton, but to this day, have been unable to get Act
working. I am very pleased with Act, and for the most part, do a good job of
managing my client contacts and lead contacts on my laptop (which happens to
be one of the smallest on the market...a sony 505) which complements my
Newton very nicely. I do all of my scheduling on my Newton. SO, I log calls
in Act on my laptop, and schedule appointments and otherwise manage my
schedule on my Newton.

BUT, I really feel like I could be doing a better job and be more efficient
if their was a seamless connectivity between the pieces. As it is, my wife
(my office manager) and I both use Act. Once a week, I will merge to update
both databases for call logs, etc. THat way, when I pull up on my version of
Act, I have the calls she handled and progress made on various cases, etc.
and vice-versa.

My Newton is tremendously useful to me and could not imagine not having it.
I certainly could not manage my schedule with out it. I am currently
developing some spreadsheets (a mortgage calculator and other financial
spreadsheets) that will make it even more useful in the field. But I would
not have had to buy the SOny 505 if the Newton could have synced better. Now
that I have the SOny, I still wish they could sync easier!!

I know this is a long note, and some will have already hit the delete key,
but really, I am very interested in how other people handle this scenario.
My wife and I both have laptops and then I have my Newton. I would very
much like to be able to sync records with all three units. I purchased Lotus
Organizer to see if that will help the cause out, I don't know. I do know
that in the past 3 months, I have spent a tremondous amount of time and
energy trying to get my systems down so that when this school year ends, I
can get focused on my business, and not have to return to teaching next

Currently, I am a teacher by day, finacial services represetnative by
evening. I was working full time with Primerica until this past Fall, but
got desperate, looked for a teaching job and ended up wtih one, which almost
immediately after signing the contract, regreted. Point is, I had to give up
my full time, self-employeed freedom for employee status once again for two
simple reasons...lack of time management and lack of efficent client/lead
management. Both of which I believe can be solved by streamlining my
electronic databases, etc. Which is why I have been working around the clock
since Christmas trying to get my Newton to top effieciency.

Any feedback on this would be greatly appreciated!!

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