I've had great success with an Garmin GPS 12 linked to the Newton. Its a
bit bulky, since the Garmin is self contained but has no maps. The
software I'm using on the Newt is Teletype's Newton GPS Software with its
Aviation Overlay. Teletype also sells PCMCIA receivers that may be
compatible with the Newton, but you'd have to check.
They sell the software with a 'Adapter' but the adapter doesn't connect to
the Garmin so it was worthless to me. I purchase the necessary cable from
Blue Hills innovations who were wonderful and very supportive of us
remaining Newton users. They also supply kits and instructions if you
choose to make the cable your self.
Teletype GPS can be found at www.teletype.com and Blue Hill can be found at
Good luck
<<----- Original Message -----
From: <ThisOlNewt@aol.com>
To: <vincentg@usdirect.net>; <newtontalk@planetnewton.com>
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2000 8:17 PM
Subject: Re: NTLK GPS for Newton
Look for GPSLite on our links page.
There is a freeware version.
There area few recievers that have worked on Newtons. Someone chime in here
if you have been succesful
and list the software, Hardware model #s any hacks etc. needed to get it to
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