>Date: Thu, 16 Mar 00 11:13:30 -0700
>From: Bob Frasure <design7@home.com>
>I recently dug through the source of "Sound Advice" and replaced the
>audio file with a partial Macarena tune, it took up large amounts of
>memory and then I remembered GSM 10:1 compression native to Emate and
>Newton 2k but was unable to find any documentation on it
>I can easily create GSM files using quicktime and store them in AIFF
>files and then put them into a resource for Newt Dev Kit, but after that
>what call would I make to be able to play these back on the newt? Am I
>going about this wrong?
btw, if you have _uncompressed_ audio (WAV, AIFF, uLaw, GSM),
you could email the sound to your Newton and use SimpleMail 4.0 Audio
Stationery to play the sound:
or you can download the sound from a web site using Newt's Cape if you have
the AudInbox plugin installed (and it just saves/marks it for SimpleMail)
NewtDevEnv, Newt's Cape, Sloup, Crypto,...
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