I found a brand-new NEC 14.4 modem on ebay for $1, plus shipping. If you
search around, you can usually find a 14.4 modem for next to nothing. Mine
works with the built-in Hayes settings....and it works great, although it
sucks batteries dry. Be careful with this....I'd advise checking e-mail only
when you're plugged in, unless you can get your hands on a special low-power
model (I've heard these exist).
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kenneth R. Knight" <krk@home.msen.com>
To: "NewtonTalk" <newtontalk@planetnewton.com>
Sent: Saturday, March 18, 2000 5:30 AM
Subject: NTLK help, finding a card modem
> I know this has come up before, so my apologies.
> I need to get a card modem for my MP2100. It doesn't have to be fast. It
> doesn't need to work with a cell phone (it wouldn't work with my cheapie
> anyway even if cellular communictions was reliable). I just can't seem to
> find anythign out there that is not ridiculously expensive for what I
> need. I don't really need a 56k modem. 28.8 would be more than enough and
> 14.4 would probably do. This will only get used now and then to send
> emails back and forth and there just won't be that many emails.
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