I don't understand. Don't TimeTrax & Assist use the same data?
If you add something to one, it should appear in the other as well.
Now, what would make my day would be the following.
I use both TimeTrax and MoreInfo. Timetrax has it's own slips for items in
the datebook, but I prefer MoreInfo's slips. So what I have done is make
TimeTrax my backdrop (in weekly view). That way I have my MI button at the
bottom of the screen and can use it to make new meetings, to-do's, etc.
But now, when I go to edit a meeting that already exists, if I do in in
TimeTrax it opens up a TimeTrax slip. I wish I could tap on a meeting and
have it open up in a MoreInfo slip. What I do now is to go into the old
Dates App to open existing items. That way I get the MoreInfo slips, but
it's a bit of a pain in the neck way to do it.
> From: "mcw" <mcw@wam.umd.edu>
> Reply-To: newtontalk@planetnewton.com
> Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2000 14:12:06 -0500
> To: "Newtontalk" <newtontalk@planetnewton.com>
> Subject: NTLK Question about Assist
> Hi, all,
> I'm trying out TimeTrax right now, loving it, and wondering if I could
> integrate Assit with it. I've gotten pretty good at writing the
> correct Assist lines to get the meetings scheduled right when I want
> them with the people I want. I would like to have Assit dump its
> reuslts into TT and not Dates, though.
> Is there a way to do this? A way to send information to the right
> package? I guessed that maybe a Dashboard script would have a way of
> doing this, but I don't use DashBoard, so that doesn't help (yes, I'll
> try it soon). The TT site has something on DB scripts, but ....
> hmmmm....
> anyone have any hints, anyone ever gotten this to work?
> Thanks.
> michael
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