On 3/19/2000 9:40 PM, Ray Demel [mailto:raydemel@earthlink.net] wrote:
>Does the Newton 2100 come ready for ethernet or does some software from
>the cd that comes with the Newton need to be loaded. The reason I ask
>is that I purchased a new Farallon ethernet card for the Newton and when
>I tried to install the package, it would not complete the load and gave
>the message that ethernet services were not on the Newton and it does
>not recognize the card. I am trying to connect to a home ethernet
>network that has 3 computers networked through a hub and the computers
>are all running Windows 98.
"...and when I tried to install the package..."
What package and how were you trying to install it (serial, ethernet?).
What error message did you get?
You can't just use the Ethernet card in the Newton out of the box. You
need to install the Farallon driver software that came one the diskette
with the card AND you may or may not need to install an additional
NIE-related file that's on the CD-ROM that came with your Newton,
probably in the NIE folder somewhere. I recall having to do so but can't
remember the name. I think it'll tell you what it needs and you can go
dig it out of the CD-ROM.
NOTE: If you're trying to talk to your Windows '98 computers with
Ethernet thru Newton Connection Utilities (NCU) to install packages, the
simple answer is:
You can't.
Newton to computer links over Ethernet (AppleTalk) are Mac only.
You'll have to install packages via serial. You may or may not also be
able to install ".pkg" files from web sites over TCP/IP after you get the
Ethernet card going.
You CAN use TCP/IP functions on your 2x00 once you get it loaded, to use
Internet apps on your Newton (web browser, mail, newsreader, ftp, etc) ,
but you won't be able to
backup or install packages over Ethernet from a PC via NCU. PC's are
serial only when connecting to Newtons.
- Bill
\\ /, "Ink Different" at Info-Newt, the site for Newton PDAs
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